Ecoparque Norte, Buenos Aires, Argentina

International competition for the design, construction and management of a bio-waste management plant in the northern area of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires – winning project

Ecoparque Norte, the new bio-waste management plant in Northern Buenos Aires, was designed to blend technological efficiency with good industrial architecture and correct integration with the natural and urban environment.
The building consists of two main elements: a belt of grey masonry supporting grey-blue metal volumes of varying height. All of the details are specifically designed to being together functionality with aesthetic quality. On the northern side of the area bordering the road, a ‘green wall’ screens the plant’s inside road system from the city. On the opposite side, the new naturalised artificial embankment restores continuity with the edges of the canal.
The service areas and offices are integrated within the volume of the plant. The four-storey office block dominates the SW corner, facing the canal.
The project focused on the quality of the personnel’s working conditions. As a result, all of the work spaces are adequately sized and well organised, comfortable and luminous.
Ecoparque Norte will contribute to creating in Buenos Aires a modern environment-oriented culture. A guided tour will allow school groups and citizens to enter the plant and safely watch all of the stages of the waste treatment, transformation and material recovery cycle.

designers: Giovanni Fumagalli, Lorenzo Caporro, Simona Malizia, Giuliano Valeri
client: Sorain Cecchini Tecno Espana
project: 2015
covered surface area: 32,100 sqm
project surface area: 50,200 sqm