Design for GAM

The long and still ongoing relationship with GAM Gonzaga Arredi Montessori concerns the design of dozens of objects and of furniture for early childhood care facilities and schools.
Each project is based on the observation of children and of their daily life in educational centres, and is further supported by dialogue with educators and pedagogists.
The goal is to create original objects capable of being used in unconventional and unique ways. The objects feature an essential design and lack any kind of decoration, in order to allow the children and the educators to form their own interpretations. They are also designed to allow for handling and modification.
The overall vision tends towards the construction of good educational spaces. Each object is an element to be composed with others in order to build a safe, welcoming environment abounding in proposals capable of promoting the children’s experience and relations.
A concept for libraries for pre-school children has been created and recently developed into a new line of furnishings.
designers: Giovanni Fumagalli, Lorenzo Caporro, Simona Malizia
client: GAM Gonzaga Arredi Montessori
projects: 2014-2018